You may know our store manager, Marlene Clevenger. She’s been with us for more than 20 years, selling, stocking, working with people and, generally, making the jewels dance. We think she’s a real Wonder Woman.
But in her personal life, Marlene is all Iron Woman. This summer, Marlene finished her second Half-Ironman Triathlon, the Wilmington Beach2Battleship, and we couldn’t be prouder. Or more impressed.
For those unfamiliar with this punishing, competitive sport, she was swam 1.2 miles (in the Wilmington Channel), biked for 56 miles, then ran for 13.1 miles. And she did it all in under six-and-a-half hours!
To prepare for this grueling event, Marlene trained five days a week for four months.
“Crossing the finish line, I felt like I’d given birth,” she laughed. “I’d been ‘in labor’ for 6-and-a-half-hours and then . . .success!
“And I felt like a million bucks,” she said. “I was teary-eyed and very emotional because I’d been preparing for so long and then I finished.”
We’re thrilled to congratulate Marlene, not just for the remarkable job she does at Jewels That Dance, but for the determination and drive she shows in her private life.
Next up for this Wonder Woman: the March Marathon at the Biltmore Estate. And, of course, getting the shop through the Christmas holidays!